Sunday, December 18, 2011

Worst Named Bowl Games

Famous Idaho Potato Bowl – By far the worst bowl name of the year. I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of anything more prestigious than playing in a bowl game located in Boise, Idaho…in December. Not to mention it being named after Idaho’s only contribution to society ever – the potato. I would have wanted to be in the room when they made the logo...let's make the football a potato, oh!, and put sour cream on it - brilliant!

Beef ‘o’ Brady’s Bowl – Honestly I had no idea what Beef ‘o’ Brady’s was. I googled it and found that it is described on their own website as a family restaurant and sports bar. Nothing like a family night out so daddy can get wasted and watch the game. 

Chick-fil-a Bowl – Who doesn’t love a chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-a? Just don’t name a football game after it. Those acrobatic, painting, EAT MORE CHIKN cows will be happy though.

Little Caesars Bowl – STOP! No more food names!

San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl – This bowl will not be remembered for the on the field action as much as it will be for the announcers saying the outrageously long name “San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl” over 500 times.

 Gator Bowl – We don’t just help you with your taxes…we SLAY them! Come to think of it, when did we start using the word “slay?”

 Bowl – The cruelest bowl of all time! Spend every commercial break looking at Danica Patrick and friends in bikinis, telling you to go to for more, then actually go to only to find out it’s about…web hosting. Tricky Bastards.

That's just a few of the terrilbe bowl names this year, and just think of who might pony up their money next year...Victoria's Secret Bowl? Preperation H Hemriod Bowl? There's no telling who the NCAA will accept to make an extra buck.

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